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5 Home Improvement Projects for Fall

picture of the front of a home

Autumn brings the sound of hammers to the Atlanta area. Homeowners use the comfortable fall afternoons and weekends to tend to carpentry and home improvement spruce-ups. Here are 5 excellent places to improve your home, from yard to rooftop. 

1. Roof Repair

Whether your roof is fiberglass-asphalt shingle, metal, or slate, autumn is a fine time to have roof repair and roof carpentry done. Because of the safety risk, Echols Home Improvements does not recommend that homeowners climb ladders and work on roofs. Professional roofers use a combination of safety equipment, carpentry skills, and roofing knowledge to attend to missing shingles, flashing, or weakened sheathing.

2. Chimney Chase Rebuilds

Your chimney chase—that box shape that builds out around the basic pipe—is susceptible to rot, animal intrusion, and wear from constant heating and cooling. A deteriorated chimney chase degrades the whole look of your Atlanta property, and is easily remedied with expert carpentry services. Because of the working heights involved, this is, like roof carpentry, not an area for amateurs.

3. New Windows

Nothing transforms the front of your Atlanta home like new windows. Where your old, builder-grade windows did the job (more or less—mostly less), new, designer windows can bring fresh light and a beautiful crispness to your home.

4. Replace Rotting Trim

Fascia is an often-neglected exterior trim around your home. Tucked in behind the gutters, it is likely to rot over time. It is not the only piece of exterior trim that rots, however. Brick mold, window casing and door trim can all rot. Porch molding and trim rots from the bottom up, leaving unsightly decay and allowing insect infestation.

Modern synthetic materials (at Echols, we like to use Azek PVC products) can replace wood trim all around your Atlanta home, avoiding rot altogether.

5. Rebuild Your Deck

With new windows out front, fresh trim around the whole house, and a reliable roof, concentrate on the family’s reward—a rebuilt deck.  Turn to the professional carpentry skills of Echols Home Improvements to transform your backyard space into a family oasis. Not only can a new deck bring a comforting level of safety, you can have special features added you may not have considered, such as built-in storage or an outdoor kitchen area.

Contact Echols Home Improvements today, before autumn slips away, to see how we can help improve your Atlanta home.

Carpentry Services for Your Home
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