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Featured Project: Improved Roofing Underlayment


“This Dunwoody, Georgia, customer elected to use a heavier grade of underlayment which is designed to resist water penetration even without shingles over it for an extended period of time. Always an option, and only about $10 per 100 square feet more in cost.

Echols Roofing and Home Improvements employs skilled craftsmen and uses the best materials, based on the preferences of the customer and the needs of the individual job. When combined with a company that operates by the Golden Rule and has been in business since 1960, this means your investment has top-flight manufacturers and a first-class contractor behind your peace of mind for the length of the warranty.”

roof under construction sunroof under construction

The Importance of Underlayment

Underlayment plays an integral role in the overall health and functionality of your roofing system.  It serves as a weatherproof barrier between water-shedding shingles and the plywood deck that serves as the foundation of your roof.  With superior-quality underlayment, your home has an additional level of protection against any potential roof leaks that could arise from damaged or missing shingles.

Better Products = Healthier Roof

When working on any roof repair or replacement project, take the time to talk to a local, trusted professional contractor who can help you to weed through the many options that are on the market today.

The team at Echols Home Improvement, serving Dunwoody and the surrounding region, is dedicated to helping area residents to protect their most valuable asset: the home.  Working with us will help to ensure that the investments you make in your home will last for years to come.

Contact us to learn more about underlayment, skylights, and other exterior home improvement options.

Contact Echols Home Improvements
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