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Severe Spring Weather & Your Roof

hands holding hail with a cab in the background

All types of weather can greatly impact your roof, but the spring weather that has been taking place in Georgia lately has been much worse than most years. With strong wind storms and several tornadoes that have hit nearby, your roof is probably going to need some extra care.

Filing an Insurance Claim

The sooner that you call your insurance agent, the sooner the task can be underway. It all depends on your insurance policy, but you may be able to get full coverage for the repairs. If possible, have your roofing contractor and insurance agent speak about the damages.

Hail Damage

With the recent high winds and storms, you may have seen some hail. Strong hail storms may  have done damage to nearby buildings. Removing the debris from a storm can also be a major headache, but make sure to call your insurance company and check on your storm coverage. Your insurance agent can coordinate severe storm loss, and work with you to replace or repair your home. Be sure to call your Atlanta roofing contractor so they can assess the damage done to your roof by any hail storms.

Wind Damages

Most roofs are able to resist average wind storms, but few can withstand a tornado. Along the perimeter of your roof, high pressure winds will have a much greater effect than on other regions of your roof. The shingles, or almost any other type of roof, can be pulled up by the strong winds and shingles and other materials can be ripped right off the structure.


In many cases with tornadoes the roofs are still very much attached. However, there may be many missing shingles or tiles and cuts and holes from loose debris. The repair process should not have to be too drastic after a storm, but our roofing crews can conduct an inspection for you and assess the issues professionally. Depending on the level of damage, it may only take a few days to finish the repairs or even up to a week. Your roofing contractor will advise you on all necessary steps.

Contact Echols Home Improvements to schedule an inspection for the recent severe winds, and stay safe throughout the season.

Storm Damage Advice
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